Congenital Heart Disease (Pacific Adult Congenital Heart, PACH) Clinic at SPH

The PACH clinic’s multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, psychologists and social workers provide clinical expertise to patients 18 years and older with congenital heart disease. Individuals who are newly diagnosed with congenital heart disease and those transitioning from pediatric programs receive ongoing follow-up and care for their cardiac condition. Patients must be referred by a primary care physician, nurse practitioner, or specialist. Clinics are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 604-806-8520
Fax this completed regional referral form to: 604-806-8800
St. Paul’s Hospital
1081 Burrard Street, Rm #5051
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 1Y6
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