Cardiac Obstetrics (COB) Clinic at SPH

Cardiac Obstetrics (COB) Clinic at SPH

Pre-pregnancy counselling and cardiac care are provided to pre-conception or pregnant women with congenital and acquired heart disease at risk of developing heart complications during pregnancy by specially trained physicians and nurses to support them through their pregnancy. The clinic provides the following services:

  • Pre-pregnancy assessment and counselling
  • Consultation and determination of cardiac risk for women who are pregnant
  • Specialized cardiac care for women throughout pregnancy
  • Development of individualized cardiac-obstetrical care plans
  • Patient and family education and psychosocial support
  • Collaborative support from Obstetrics, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Obstetrical Internal Medicine, Genetics and other specialties as needed

Phone: 604-806-8933 opt. 1
Fax this completed regional referral form to: 604-602-8643


St. Paul’s Hospital
1081 Burrard Street, Rm #5051
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 1Y6

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