
Dr. Darwin Yeung Receives the Mitacs Training Research Award

Dr. Darwin Yeung, our newest Divisional member, has been selected to receive a Mitacs Training Research Award, which provides funding for graduate students to undertake a short-term paid research training

Dr. Teresa Tsang Leads UBC Cardiology in our fight against COVID19

Dr. Teresa Tsang Leads UBC Cardiology in our fight against COVID19

Minister Patty Hajdu, federal Minister of Health, congratulated Dr. Teresa Tsang, the Associate Head Research, Department of Medicine, on receiving funding through CIHR for her COVID-19 research “Point of Care

Dr. David Wood is the new Division Head of Cardiology at Vancouver General Hospital

Dr. David Wood is the new Division Head of Cardiology at Vancouver General Hospital

It is with great enthusiasm that we welcome Dr. David Wood as the new Head of the Division of Cardiology at Vancouver General Hospital. He comes with a wealth of

Members of UBC Cardiology Wins Teaching Awards

Members of UBC Cardiology Wins Teaching Awards

A number of UBC Cardiology members have received teaching awards this year for their excellence in clinical teaching. This certainly highlights the emphasis on education and the outstanding teachers we

UBC Cardiology committed to ensuring optimal cardiac care during the COVID-19 pandemic

The division of Cardiology at UBC has been active in contributing to the fight against COVID-19, and ensuring optimal patient care during this pandemic. Dr. Andrew Krahn is leading a

Dr. Andrew Krahn in the news

Dr. Andrew Krahn, head of UBC Cardiology and president of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society, talks to the media on how cardiac care in Canada is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,

We are committed to patient care during the COVID19 Pandemic

Patients are advised to understand the symptoms of the new coronavirus that causes the COVID19 disease, as well as know when to go to their family doctor or emergency room

The UBC Cardiology Program receives recommendation for full accreditation by the Royal College

Under the leadership of Dr. Graham Wong, our Program Director for the UBC Adult Cardiology Training Program, we underwent a full review with Royal College accreditors, who then recommended that

Dr. Tara Sedlak Wins the 2020 Canadian Women’s Heart Health Advocacy Award

Dr. Tara Sedlak Wins the 2020 Canadian Women’s Heart Health Advocacy Award

We are extremely pleased to announce that Dr. Tara Sedlak has won the 2020 Canadian Women’s Heart Health Advocacy Award. This prestigious award recognizes Dr. Sedlak’s advocacy work in improving the

One of our Chief Cardiology Residents is selected for the UBC Clinician Investigator Program

The Division congratulates one of our Cardiology Trainees Dr. Thomas Roston on being selected for the UBC Clinician Investigator Program. This is a funded two-year research program. Dr. Roston has

Dr. Tara Sedlak Hosts Women’s Heart Health Day

Dr. Tara Sedlak Hosts Women’s Heart Health Day

We hope you wore Red on February 13 in support of Women’s Heart Health Day! Dr. Tara Sedlak, the Medical Director of the Leslie Diamond Women’s Heart Health Clinic, hosted this successful

Dr. Andrew Krahn wins Killam Research Prize

We are pleased to announce that our Head of UBC Division of Cardiology Dr. Andrew Krahn has won the prestigious Killam Research Prize in recognition of his excellence in research

Welcome Dr. Janar Sathananthan

Welcome Dr. Janar Sathananthan

The UBC Division welcomes Dr.Janarthanan (Janar) Sathananthan (BHB, MBChB, MPH, FRACP) as a new academic interventional Cardiologist. Dr. Sathananthan graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB) from the University of Auckland (Distinction) and

16th Annual Hot Topics in Cardiology

Join us at the 16th Annual Hot Topics in Cardiology! This 1-day conference is hosted by the UBC Division of Cardiology and provides an update on key aspects of cardiovascular disease management, with an emphasis

Sudden Death Syndrome

Learn about Sudden Death Syndrome and the potential genetic implications in this video featuring Dr. Andrew Krahn, the Head of UBC Division of Cardiology at https://www.healthchoicesfirst.com/videos/sudden-death-syndrome.