Cardiology Fellows hosted a successful Patient Advocacy Event.

Some of our Cardiology Fellows from the UBC Adult Cardiology Training Program hosted a successful UBC Cardiology resident advocacy event in partnership with Heart Valve Voice Canada team. At the Roundhouse Community Centre on Sept 19th, they auscultated over 60 patients/participants and detected a few murmurs and referred patients back to their family physicians for further investigations.
The Cardiology fellows who volunteered at this event included Drs. Christopher Li, Hasrit Sidhu, Jacky Tang, Nelson Lu (Advocacy committee co-lead), and Dr. Calvin Liang (Advocacy committee co-lead). Durr, a second year medical student, helped with event organization, patient check-in, and photography.
There was a long line-up when the doors first opened, largely due to the promotional efforts by the HVVC team and also Dr. Wood’s televised interview on Global News promoting the event while raising awareness for valvular disease.
Here are some of the photos from the successful event.

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